( Batteries for cell phones samsung ) Batteries inside older Samsung phones are swelling at a disproportionately high rate

Samsung might be dealing with yet another battery issue, batteries for cell phones samsung

Although we may not give our smartphone batteries much thought, there is a lot happening inside of them. The batteries inside cell phones must be properly cared for as they get older to prevent swelling. When cellphones first gained popularity, this was a typical occurrence because when the batteries wore out, the back glass would often break out. With the passage of time and the development of technology, manufacturers discovered ways to manage this issue. However, it appears that Samsung may be dealing with a problem with the batteries on its older smartphones swelling at an unacceptably high rate.

YouTuber Mrwhosetheboss (also known as Arun Maini) describes finding bloated batteries on numerous Samsung devices while storing them in a video. The Galaxy S6 from 2015 and the Galaxy S10 from 2019 are included in this. He initially attributed the inflated batteries to the heatwave that had hit the UK, which could have caused a significant shift in the surrounding temperature. The YouTuber then realized that all older Asus, Pixel, and iPhone batteries maintained in the same conditions were in good shape despite their age.

Samsung contacted Arun as soon as he tweeted about the problem and collected the devices. Since then, two months had gone, but the Korean juggernaut never returned with its results.

The fact that he is not the only person to have experienced this problem is more concerning. Arun was contacted by Matt Ansini, host of the This Is YouTube channel, who confirmed that all Samsung phone batteries in their storage started up before the Galaxy S20 had inflated. None of the other brands' phones that were kept in the same location had a comparable issue. And ever since the video went public, other YouTubers and reviewers have attested to the ballooning batteries of many of the older Samsung phones they own.

It appears that the problem only occurs with devices that have been sitting idle for a lengthy period. Older devices that are still in frequent use are unaffected. Samsung has not yet made a formal announcement on the situation.

For Samsung, the issue is not as catastrophic as the Galaxy Note 7 battery explosions. However, there appears that something is amiss with the batteries in its phones, since they bloat when kept for a long period of time.

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