Getting A 14 Year Old Work Permit In 2023: Everything You Need To Know

State Of Michigan Combined Offer Of Employment And Work Permit/age
State Of Michigan Combined Offer Of Employment And Work Permit/age from


In 2023, the legal age for employment in the United States is 14. This has been the case since the Fair Labor Standards Act of 2018 increased the minimum age for employment from 16 to 14. However, there are certain qualifications that must be met in order for a 14-year-old to obtain a work permit and begin working. In this article, we will discuss the process of getting a work permit for a 14-year-old in 2023 and what you need to know.

The Basics

In order to obtain a work permit for a 14-year-old, there are certain basic requirements that must be met. First, the 14-year-old must be a U.S. resident and have a valid Social Security number. The 14-year-old must also have a valid birth certificate or other proof of age. Finally, the 14-year-old must have parental consent in order to obtain a work permit.

The Process

Once the 14-year-old meets the basic requirements, the next step is to fill out the necessary paperwork. Depending on the state, the paperwork may be completed online or in person. Once the paperwork is completed, the 14-year-old must then submit the completed forms to the state labor department. The state labor department will then review the application and determine whether or not the 14-year-old is eligible for a work permit.


Once the 14-year-old has obtained a work permit, there are certain restrictions that must be followed. These restrictions include the number of hours the 14-year-old is allowed to work and the type of job they are allowed to do. The 14-year-old is not allowed to work more than 8 hours per day or more than 40 hours per week. The 14-year-old is also not allowed to do any type of job that is considered hazardous or dangerous. These restrictions are in place in order to protect the safety and welfare of the 14-year-old.

Jobs Available

In 2023, there are several types of jobs available for 14-year-olds. These include clerical work, office work, customer service, retail, food service, and more. The 14-year-old must also be aware of any local laws or restrictions in their area that may limit the types of jobs they are allowed to do. The 14-year-old must also be aware of any minimum wage laws in their area that must be followed.

Benefits of Working at 14

For many 14-year-olds, obtaining a work permit offers numerous benefits. Working at 14 can give the 14-year-old experience in the workforce that can be beneficial in the future. Working at 14 can also help the 14-year-old learn valuable skills such as responsibility, time management, and communication. Working at 14 can also help the 14-year-old learn how to manage their finances and build their savings.


Obtaining a 14-year-old work permit in 2023 is a fairly straightforward process. However, there are certain requirements that must be met in order for the 14-year-old to obtain a work permit. Once the 14-year-old has obtained a work permit, there are certain restrictions that must be followed in order to protect the welfare of the 14-year-old. Finally, there are numerous benefits to working at 14, including developing important skills and learning how to manage finances.

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