7 Signs You Have Low Blood Sugar and Don’t Know It


Low blood sugar occurs when blood glucose levels go below 70 mg/dL. Although anybody can get the illness, persons with diabetes are more likely to do so. You probably won’t feel like yourself if your blood sugar is low, but you might not know why. Consume This, Not That! Experts who were interviewed by Health describe the dangers of untreated low blood sugar as well as why it’s simple to miss the symptoms and indicators to look out for. Continue reading and pay close attention to these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID to protect your health and the health of others.

Causes of Low Blood Sugar

Low blood sugar can be brought on by not eating enough, malnutrition, pregnancy, rare cancers, and medication side effects, including those from diabetes medications, according to Dr. Romy Block, a board-certified specialist in endocrine and metabolism medicine and member of the American Thyroid Association. Laura McDermott MS, RDN, CD, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Dietitian with RET Physical Therapy Group adds, “Certain medications can bring on low blood sugar

Reactive hypoglycemia, a rare condition for which we still don’t fully understand the cause, can cause low blood sugar in people with diabetes or who are taking medication. After a meal, reactive hypoglycemia occurs when your body produces more insulin than is necessary, decreasing your blood sugar too much. When your body is attempting to maintain homeostasis or when your glycogen stores are depleted, fasting can result in low blood sugar. Some people’s hard exercise can also lead to low blood sugar.

What to Know About Blood Sugar

To fuel your body, it’s crucial to consume nutritious carbohydrates like those found in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. According to McDermott, “When we speak blood sugar, we are talking about glucose in the bloodstream. Low blood sugar and skipping meals can create weariness. Our body uses this glucose as a source of energy. Insulin aids in delivering glucose to the cells so that it can be utilized for daily tasks like chasing after the dog or using your brain at work. For optimum performance, blood sugar levels must rise and fall throughout the day. Your muscles and brain are both powered by glucose. Simply put, we want to maintain healthy blood sugar levels throughout the entire range.

The Dangers of Untreated Low Blood Sugar

Low blood sugar can cause serious symptoms like seizures, unconsciousness, and even death, according to Dr. Block.

It’s Easy to Miss the Signs of Low Blood Sugar

Dr. Block explains, “Most of the time, people experience low sugar symptoms, but they may not recognize those symptoms. This can include agitation, anxiety, palpitations, confusion, and fatigue. The symptoms are nonspecific, so it is important to have regular meals and snacks with a healthy, well-balanced diet. If symptoms do not improve with dietary changes, it is important to check in with your doctor to help assess hypoglycemia. They may recommend advanced blood

Blurred Vision

“Blurred vision is a symptom of low blood sugar due to water fluctuations in and out of the eye, which causes the eye to shift shape, and vision can become blurred,” explains nutritionist and author of the Candida Diet Lisa Richards.


According to Richards, confusion is an indication of low blood sugar because it occurs when the brain does not receive enough glucose to power its cells and convey signals to the body effectively.


“The shaky/trembling symptoms are caused by the release of adrenaline when your blood sugar drops too low,” claims McDermott.


According to McDermott, fluctuations in the hormones norepinephrine and epinephrine cause changes in blood vessel activity, which can cause headaches.

Faster Heart Rate

According to McDermott, when blood sugar levels are low, epinephrine (adrenaline) is released, which raises the heart rate.


According to McDermott, as blood sugar levels decrease, the body creates hormones like ghrelin to increase appetite and encourage eating to keep blood sugar levels stable.

Craving Sugar

According to Taylor Stolt, RDN, LD, CLT, IFNCP, a functional medicine dietitian, “If blood sugars are low, your body will communicate that it needs a quick source of energy, such as sugar.”


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