LinkedIn Ads Vs. Facebook Ads: Which Is Better In ?


You’ll constantly have to decide which platform to use to advance your company as a digital marketer.

Should Facebook advertisements take up the entire budget? How active are you on LinkedIn? As you assess your growth marketing approach, they are the main inquiries that keep crossing your mind. Here is a brief comparison to assist you in selecting the best option for your objectives.

The Big Debate

Everyone is now aware of the advantages of social media marketing. Today’s accessible social media platforms are so many that they can paralyze any business owner. Where do I begin? Only because Facebook has more users do most businesses assume it.

It considerably outnumbers LinkedIn’s 550 million active users with over 2.2 billion. Should size determine the superior platform? No, not always.

Facebook and LinkedIn are similar, but they function differently and offer various advantages. Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple answer because every circumstance is different depending on your company’s goals.

You can decide where to place your money on the table by being aware of what each site has to offer.


Facebook’s targeting is well-known. Despite having access to billions of consumers, you get to choose who sees your adverts, eventually targeting those who are most likely to respond.

Location, demographics, hobbies, behavior, and relationships are all possible targeting criteria. With custom lists and lookalike audiences, you are going a step farther. When it comes to content that is sales-related, Facebook’s targeting capabilities are unsurpassed in their complexity.

LinkedIn, on the other hand, caters to a more business-oriented readership. Users of the platform include those who want to network, acquire career-related advice, and collaborate with others who share their interests.

Account-based marketing is a feature of LinkedIn ads that lets you target certain professional demographics. When registering for a LinkedIn account, consider the amount of information you offer. It essentially contains all of your career history.

Because of this, it’s generally accepted that marketers utilize Facebook for B2C marketing and LinkedIn for B2B marketing.


Consider how much you want to invest on advertising. Facebook and LinkedIn are both cost-effective options because you may decide just how much you’ll pay. When you compare the cost-per-click for each platform, the differences become apparent.

While Facebook’s CPC is $0.97, the average cost-per-click for LinkedIn advertisements is somewhere around $5.26. On paper, Facebook would appear to be the more affordable medium for advertising.

You don’t necessarily get higher-quality leads just because you pay less per click, though. Using LinkedIn to generate leads can be quite beneficial. Despite spending less time on LinkedIn, users are still thinking about conversions while they browse.


Facebook offers a wider selection if your brand has a strong aesthetic and visual identity.

the following Facebook ad formats:

links to images

ad videos

Rapid-fire experiences

stories advertisements

ad carousels

Ads in messenger

LinkedIn has fewer visual components and more text types like:

Display advertisements

Featured content

Sponsored InMail Text adverts

Dynamic advertisements

You can choose to concentrate on text or design depending on your marketing goals and the product you’re selling.


There are three parts to LinkedIn Analytics:

Updates: Include information about your audience as well as impression, click, interaction, and engagement statistics.

Followers: Organic and acquired, coupled with demographics and trends over time for each follower.

Pageviews, career page clicks, unique visitors, and demographic information about visitors.

Similar metrics are provided by Facebook’s Page Insights.

Overview: post reach, engagement, and page likes

Page and network likes

Post reach, favorable and unfavorable engagement, and overall reach

Page and tab visits are visits.

Posts: Post formats and top performing articles

Views, 30-second views, and top video performance for the video

Your followers, your audience, and your engaged audience


A group option is available on both Facebook and LinkedIn, which are both crucial resources for connecting with potential customers. Groups are a useful tool to bring individuals together, whether it’s for networking opportunities or sales content.

When someone is on either platform, it’s important to take their motivations into account. Consider the frame of mind you’re in when you join a group on Facebook or one on LinkedIn. While you might participate in both, your motivations for doing so will differ.

Facebook groups frequently feel more intimate. They typically have to do with politics, lifestyle, or interests. LinkedIn groups are career-focused and connect like-minded people. Again, the platform you select depends on your goals.

Who wins ?

Both platforms give you and your business demands a variety of opportunities. Determining what you want from your adverts is crucial. Although the media deliver comparable content, their target audiences are fundamentally different.

Spend some time identifying your target audience and your motivations before investing in either channel. Both ends of the spectrum offer room for development. It involves identifying the channel that will provide your business with the highest ROI.

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